Part of the The Authentic Text series:
- The American Church Review
- The three witnesses, the disputed text in st. John
- A Critical Dissertation Upon the 7th Verse of the 5th Chapter of St. John's First Epistle
- Reply to a Vindication of the Literary Character of Professor Porson, by Crito Cantabrigiensis
- In Defense of the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7
- Francis Turretin's Disputatio Theologica
- The Genuineness of the Text of 1 John 5:7
- A New Plea
- Letters to Edward Gibbon by George Travis
- The British Critic, Vol IV, 1794
- The British Magazine
- New criticisms on the celebrated text, I Jn5:7
- JCR: Vol. 12, No. 02
- In Further Proof of the Authenticity of 1 Jn 5v7
- Pious Annotations Upon the Holy Bible
- The printed Hebrew text of the OT vindicated
- A Treatise of the Corruption of Scripture by Rome
- Divine Authority of the New Testament
- A Scholastical History of the Canon
- Exercitations Divine
- R.L. Dabney's Discussions
- Revised Version of the 1st 3 Gospels Considered
- 13 Sermons concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity
- A Vindication of 1 John, v. 7
- Further Proof of the Authenticity of 1 John, v. 7
- An Introduction to the Controversy on the Disputed Verse of St. John
- The Divine Triunity
- William Twisse's The Scripture's Sufficiency
- Select Works of Robert Rollock Vols 1 & 2
- On Holy Scriptures from Elenctic Theology Vol 1to 3
- From Sacred Text to Religious Text
- Disputations on Holy Scripture
- The King James Version Defended
Product Description
The long-overdue republication of Robert Rollock's "Select Works" introduces us to one of the greatest Reformed thinkers of the sixteenth century. Robert Rollock (c.1555-1598), first principal of Edinburgh University, able preacher and philosopher, and a renowned biblical commentator in his own day, was a seminal Reformed theologian particularly as an early exponent of covenant theology in Scotland. His treatises on God's effectual calling and the passion, resurrection, and ascension of Christ are themselves worth the purchase of this two-volume "Select Works." These volumes represent the cream of sixteenth-century Reformed theology, and should be treasured by all who love biblical truth. May they whet the appetite for more of this prolific Scotsman, who wrote five volumes of sermons and nine commentaries.
Robert Rollock was the first principal of the University of Edinburgh. He was appointed on several occasions to committees of presbytery and assembly on pressing ecclesiastical business. He was elected moderator of the General Assembly held at Dundee in May 1597. In 1598 he was translated to the parish church of the Upper Tolbooth, Edinburgh, and immediately thereafter to that of the Grey Friars (then known as the Magdalen Church). He died in Edinburgh on the 8th of February 1599.
"Partly because of his reluctance to engage in the rough and tumble of church and state relationships, Robert Rollock’s name has been almost unknown outside of a small circle of scholars interested in the history of covenant theology – in which he features significantly. But for all his irenic spirit, Rollock was a powerfully intellectual and spiritual influence in late sixteenth-century Scotland. He was wonderfully endowed with remarkable intellectual gifts, possessed a rare ability to inspire University students, and was an outstanding preacher whom the common people of Scotland’s capital listened to gladly.
An added bonus to this edition of Rollock’s long unavailable Select Works is a splendidly informative and sensitive introduction by Dr. Andrew Woolsey – further underlining that the republication of these volumes is an event to be celebrated by scholars, pastors, and ordinary Christians alike.” – Sinclair Ferguson
Robert Rollock was the first principal of the University of Edinburgh. He was appointed on several occasions to committees of presbytery and assembly on pressing ecclesiastical business. He was elected moderator of the General Assembly held at Dundee in May 1597. In 1598 he was translated to the parish church of the Upper Tolbooth, Edinburgh, and immediately thereafter to that of the Grey Friars (then known as the Magdalen Church). He died in Edinburgh on the 8th of February 1599.
"Partly because of his reluctance to engage in the rough and tumble of church and state relationships, Robert Rollock’s name has been almost unknown outside of a small circle of scholars interested in the history of covenant theology – in which he features significantly. But for all his irenic spirit, Rollock was a powerfully intellectual and spiritual influence in late sixteenth-century Scotland. He was wonderfully endowed with remarkable intellectual gifts, possessed a rare ability to inspire University students, and was an outstanding preacher whom the common people of Scotland’s capital listened to gladly.
An added bonus to this edition of Rollock’s long unavailable Select Works is a splendidly informative and sensitive introduction by Dr. Andrew Woolsey – further underlining that the republication of these volumes is an event to be celebrated by scholars, pastors, and ordinary Christians alike.” – Sinclair Ferguson