Restorationist Textual Criticism
RTC is the view that the text of Scripture must be restored. This is a rejection of the Confessional view that the text of Scripture was kept pure in all ages. RTC breaks down into two categories:
- Critical Text Advocates
- Majority Text Advocates
Critical Text advocates are known by their rejection of the Pericope (John 7:53 – 8:11), the longer ending of Mark (Mark 16:9-20), & the Comma Johanneum. Majority Text advocates generally reject the Comma, but affirm the Pericope and the Longer ending. However, both camps use the arbitrary and subjective practice of textual criticism formulated by the Roman Catholic Richard Simon. Neither camp has a settled a text, as the subjective opinions of men and the discovery of new manuscript evidence will always leave their texts in flux. The Critical Text advocates have 2 texts: United Bible Societies text & the Nestle-Aland text. The Majority Text advocates also have 2 texts: Hodges & Farstad and the Pierpont & Robinson. Generally, Critical Text Advocates are theologically liberal, outright unbelievers, or heretics. There are many misguided evangelicals who hold to the Critical Text view. Many Christians who claim to be Reformed also hold to the Critical Text view. Majority Text advocates are usually theologically conservative.