Please read the method and follow the links to the resources on the main language page here.


First, go through the Language Transfer Greek Audio course. They even have an app now. There are 120 audios. You should have no issues completing 36 audios a week as they’re very short lessons. So once every 3 and a half weeks you should complete the course. The first three times through you will do no writing. Towards the end of your third time, listen to this or a similar YouTube video: Greek Alphabet Song. After your third run through, or SET 1, you will go through them again but in a different way.

For SET 2 you will need to read about the Dowling Method. This is the backbone of how you will learn not only Attic Greek, but you will also use this to learn Latin and Hebrew. How will you use this method? Simple.

  1. Go through each word in each chapter and classify them as one of the following: Numbers, Articles, Pronouns, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd declensions, Adjectives, Participles, Verbs (regular and irregular forms). Google translate will classify them for you. You can put each grammatical type (Numbers, Articles, etc.) in a spreadsheet.
  2. Memorize all of the following: Numbers, Articles, Pronouns, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd declensions, Adjectives, Participles, Verbs (regular and irregular forms) in the following manner. Write out a given paradigm (Numbers, Articles, etc.) by hand WHILE at the same time pronouncing the words aloud until you can recite the whole page from memory.
  3. Repeat each paradigm aloud correctly 100-200 times. 100% accuracy is a correct repetition.
  4. Your goal is to properly classify each word in the LT Greek audio course as a number, article, pronoun, etc., know how it changes (its paradigm), and be able to write and speak the entire course from memory. It may take 4 to 6 SETS to accomplish this.

You now have a firm grasp of the forms, spelling, and pronunciation of modern Greek as taught in the Language Transfer Course.


But why learn Attic Greek over just Koine Greek? In much the same way that Modern Greek is an easier version of Koine Greek, so Koine Greek can be considered an easier version of Attic Greek. And our reason for learning Greek isn’t to be able to recognize grammatical forms and sound silly using the Erasmian pronunciation. The purpose is mastery of Classical Greek. We began with Modern Greek so that we could speak and think in Greek and treat it as a living language. Now for Attic Greek we will follow a similar process to what we began above.


  1. Using Athenaze
  2. The Athenaze Playlist
  4.  Download the Complete Ancient Greek Pronunciation Guide by Luke Ranieri (Dec 2020) with Full Lucian Pronunciation Explanation
  5. Athenaze Book 1 & Athenaze Book 2
  6. Ariadne: Resources for Athenaze
  7. Athenaze Greek Exercises
  8. This is a MUST BUYAncient Greek by the Ranieri-Dowling Method
  9. Use helps: ANKI system, ANKI Tutorial, and there are a lot of useful helps at the website.
  10. Free Ancient Greek Pronunciation Guide
  11. Lucian Pronunciation of Ancient Greek · ἡ Λουκιανὴ Προφορά

While using the Athenaze series you will be exposed to passages from the Greek New Testament. As you finish book 1 you should use the following links to read along with the TBS Textus Receptus:

  1. Textus Receptus audio
  2. Greek Audio Bible 1894 – Scrivener’s Textus Receptus (1894)

To make your reading profitable, any word you do not know you should add under it’s proper grammatical form (Numbers, Articles, Pronouns, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd declensions, Adjectives, Participles, Verbs) and follow the Dowling method until you have it memorized. The University of Texas at Austin’s Linguistics Research Center will provide extra Koine Greek Grammar information as you progress through your New Testament Reading. After completing Athenaze II you should then buy a copy of Herodotus and begin reading it.  Once you have completed it, you should then move to the books listed on the Greek & Latin Reading List.