- The American Church Review
- The three witnesses, the disputed text in st. John
- A Critical Dissertation Upon the 7th Verse of the 5th Chapter of St. John's First Epistle
- Reply to a Vindication of the Literary Character of Professor Porson, by Crito Cantabrigiensis
- In Defense of the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7
- Francis Turretin's Disputatio Theologica
- The Genuineness of the Text of 1 John 5:7
- A New Plea
- Letters to Edward Gibbon by George Travis
- The British Critic, Vol IV, 1794
- The British Magazine
- New criticisms on the celebrated text, I Jn5:7
- JCR: Vol. 12, No. 02
- In Further Proof of the Authenticity of 1 Jn 5v7
- Pious Annotations Upon the Holy Bible
- The printed Hebrew text of the OT vindicated
- A Treatise of the Corruption of Scripture by Rome
- Divine Authority of the New Testament
- A Scholastical History of the Canon
- Exercitations Divine
- R.L. Dabney's Discussions
- Revised Version of the 1st 3 Gospels Considered
- 13 Sermons concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity
- A Vindication of 1 John, v. 7
- Further Proof of the Authenticity of 1 John, v. 7
- An Introduction to the Controversy on the Disputed Verse of St. John
- The Divine Triunity
- William Twisse's The Scripture's Sufficiency
- Select Works of Robert Rollock Vols 1 & 2
- On Holy Scriptures from Elenctic Theology Vol 1to 3
- From Sacred Text to Religious Text
- Disputations on Holy Scripture
- The King James Version Defended
In Defense of the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7 sheds a strong light on the issues radiating from one controversial verse in one of Johns three New Testament letters. Some manuscripts refer to a phrase called the Johannine Commacentering on the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spiritwhile others do not. Chris Pappas, a seasoned pastor steeped in Greek culture, sifts through the scholarly evidence from hundreds of surviving copies of the Greek-language letters. He surveys and analyzes the arguments from biblical scholars who support and who oppose the Commas inclusion. Finally, he presents the reasons for regarding the Comma as a true part of the Word of God in Scripture and for returning it to Johns letter.
Embarking on a survey of the manuscripts, their condition, their roles in the churchs theology, and their place in doctrinal controversies, In Defense of the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7 makes a thorough and intricate study of the passage. The journey is somewhat demanding, but the reward for persistence is a deeper appreciation for the meaning for wordsthese few words in particular.
When you listen to the churchs present-day conflicts, you may hear trusted authorities undergoing profound questioning and believers facing temptations to doubt those authoritiesincluding the Bible. As an aid, In Defense of the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7 offers a history of the churchs struggles over biblical authority, a detailed survey of the intricacies of biblical studies, and the wealth of insights residing in one key phrase.