- English Bible Translations: By What Standard?
- God's Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bibl
- Three Modern Versions
- The Revised Version of the 1st Three Gospels
- The Translators Revived
- Translating for King James
1. In considering the points which are discussed in the Conditions of following pages, I would ask the reader to keep before his mind the conditions under which the consent of the Southern Convocation was given to the work of Revision. The first proposal was made by the late Bishop of Winchester (Dr. S. Wilberforce), and seconded by the present Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, on the 10th of February, 1870. It was accepted by the Upper House of Convocation, and passed, the same day, in the following terms : "That a Committee of both Houses be appointed to report on the desirableness of a Revision of the Authorized Version of the Old and New Testaments, whether by mar ginal notes or otherwise, in those passages where plain and clear errors, whether in the Hebrew or Greek text originally adopted by the translators, or in the translations made from the same, shall on due investigation be found to exist."