- Has the Bible Been Kept Pure?
- A History Over the Debate of 1 John 5:7,8
- The Ecclesiastical Text
- In Defense of the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7
- The Church & The Bible
- Thou Shalt Keep Them
- Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations
- Encouragements to a Reformation
- The Answer to the preface of the Rhemish Testament
- Confutation of the Rhemist Testament
- JCR Vol. 12 No. 02: Symposium on the Biblical Text and Literature
This book is a Biblical theology of the doctrine of the Preservation of Scripture. The issue of the English Bible controversy is usually discussed with a mere handful of Bible verses and a lot more "scholastic" input from men. This book soundly delineates Scriptural reasons for holding to the Masoretic (O.T.) and Received (N.T.) text representing the King James Version from a perspective of faith. It is a true gem of a book because each writer exposits actual Bible verses that bear upon the God's promise to preserve His words. Another strength is that this book is essentially the work of a group of pastors or men who have served or is serving as pastoral staff. While many in the world today look to scholars (especially Bible critics) for answers, God's man is neglected or religated to the Sunday service as a mere homiletical cheerleader. But these men are not so, they truly are powerful theological heralds of the gospel. They love the Lord, His word and His people. They challenge "would be fundamentalists," established Bible critics, conservative Evangelicals, and even neo-Orthodox teachers to examine what the Bible actually says about it's own inspiration, preservation, and canonization. This book is certainly one of the finest books in defense of the KJV/MT/TR position.
Definitions and Abbreviations
Hebrew/Greek Transliteration Key
SECTION ONE: Passages on Divine Preservation
Chapter 1 - The Permanent Preservation of God's Words, Ps. 12:6,7 (Dr. Tom Strouse)
Chapter 2 - Every Word, Matthew 4:4 (Strouse)
Chapter 3 - Not One Jot or One Tittle, Matt. 5:17,18 (Pastor Gary Webb)
Chapter 4 - The Lord Jesus Christ and the Received Bible, Jn. 17:8 (Strouse)
Chapter 5 - My Words Shall Not Pass Away, Matt. 24:35 (Pastor Kent Brandenburg)
Chapter 6 - Inspiration Implies Preservation (Pastor Charles Nichols)
Chapter 7 - God's Promise of Preservation as Seen in 1 Peter 1:23-25 (Dr. Gary La More)
Chapter 8 - The Perfect Passive: "It is Written" (Pastor David Sutton)
SECTION TWO: Passages on Availability
Chapter 9 - It Is Not Hidden, Neither Is It Afar Off, Deut. 30:11-14 (Brandenburg)
Chapter 10 - Be Mindful of the Words, 2 Peter 3:2 and Jude 17 (La More)
SECTION THREE: God's Method of Preservation
Chapter 11 - Israel, the Means of Preservation in the Old Testament: Natsar and Shamar (Brandenburg)
Chapter 12 - Ekklasia: The Congregation of the Lord in the New Testament Tareo (Strouse)
Chapter 13 - The Church's Part in Biblical Preservation, 1 Tim. 3:15 (Nichols)
Chapter 14 - Stewards of the Mysteries of God, 1 Cor. 4:1,2 (La More)
SECTION FOUR: Passages on the Reality of Textual Attack
Chapter 15 - First Century Textual Attack, 2 Pet. 3:15-17 and 2 Thess. 2:2 (Brandenburg)
SECTION FIVE: The Standard of Perfection: Several Passages as Examples of Doctrines Changed and/or Perverted by Textual Alterations
Chapter 16 - Pure Words of God: Passages Which Manifest the Standard of Perfect Purity for the Bible (Dr. Tom Corkish)
Chapter 17 - Old Testament Passages as Examples of Doctrines Changed by Textual Alterations (Corkish)
Chapter 18 - New Testament Passages as Examples of Doctrines Changed by Textual Alterations (Webb and Sutton)
SECTION SIX: Other Pertinent Exegesis for Every Word Preservation
Chapter 19 - Test of Canonicity as Applied to Words (Brandenburg)
SECTION SEVEN: The Doctrine of Preservation As It Relates to the Doctrine of Separation
Chapter 20 - Separation over the Veritable Words of God: 1 and 2 Tim. with special attention given to 2 Tim. 2:11-26 (Corkish)
Chapter 21 - Who is a Heretic over the Preservation of Scripture? (Brandenburg)
Addendum A - God's Providential Preservation of Scriptures (La More)
Addendum B - The Translation Model Predicted by Scripture (Strouse)
Addendum C - The Superiority of the Fideistic Approach to Preservation of Scripture (Brandenburg)
Critical Text