Part of the Critical Text series:
- The works of Unitarian Thomas Emlyn Volume 2
- A full enquiry into the original authority of that text, 1 John v. 7
- Introduction to the New Testament in the Original Greek
- Studies in the Textual Criticism of the New Testament
- An Introduction to the NT Manuscripts and Their Texts
- The King James Only Controversy
- The Text of the New Testament
- Misquoting Jesus
- Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament
This is Westcott & Hort's introduction wherein they discuss their principles of textual criticism.
Table of Contents
- The Need for Criticism for the Text of the New Testament
- The Methods of Textual Criticism
- Application of Principles of Criticism to the Text of the New Testament
- Nature and Details of this Edition
- Additional Notes
- Appendix