The Leaven of Compromise: A challenge to the faithlessness in church leadership to contend for the authority of God’s Word.
Introduction: A Necessary Letter
Initially, I had considered simply posting the video of the Ludacris song Move Out da Way to address the urgent issues before us. Its message seemed fitting for the current situation: a blunt call for those unwilling to contend for the faith to step aside. However, I was advised by several ministers that such an approach, while perhaps striking, might be perceived as a bit too brutal for this context.
Taking their counsel into account, I have instead chosen to present you with this letter. While it may lack the musical flare of my original thought, it retains the same urgency and directness. The issues addressed herein demand not only clarity but a willingness to confront hard truths for the sake of the Church, the Gospel, and the glory of God. My prayer is that you will receive this letter in the spirit in which it is written: as a call to faithfulness and a plea for action in a time when the Church can no longer afford to tolerate compromise or passivity.
The Sin of Allowing Lane Keister to Continue Teaching False Doctrine
To permit Lane Keister to oversee a church and teach for the past fifteen years without meaningful intervention from the presbytery or the elders is not only a failure of oversight but a grievous sin on the part of those charged with protecting Christ’s flock. Scripture places an unambiguous responsibility on elders to guard against false teachers and to uphold the purity of doctrine. The Apostle Paul’s exhortation in Acts 20:28-30 is particularly poignant:
“Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.”
The presbytery’s negligence in addressing Keister’s false teaching demonstrates a blatant disregard for this divine charge. For fifteen years, Keister has been allowed to preach false doctrine, leading his congregation astray while those tasked with oversight have remained silent. Such inaction is not merely a passive mistake—it is an active betrayal of their God-given duty. Elders are explicitly commanded to rebuke those who contradict sound doctrine (Titus 1:9) and to ensure that no one teaches anything contrary to Scripture (1 Timothy 1:3-4). By failing to act, the presbytery and elders have shirked their sacred responsibility and brought harm to the Church entrusted to their care.
Presbyteries’ Failure to Condemn Heresy: A Mark of Unfitness
The failure of presbyteries to recognize Lane Keister’s views for the heresy they are is a stark indictment of their inability to judge rightly in matters of doctrine and discipline. Keister’s teaching, which undermines the confessional view of Scripture and distorts essential doctrines, should have been swiftly identified and condemned as heretical. Instead, these presbyteries have either ignored the issue or tacitly allowed him to continue in ministry, demonstrating a profound lack of discernment and courage.
What Is Heresy?
Heresy, by definition, is any deviation from the core truths of Scripture that strikes at the heart of the faith. It is not merely an error in secondary matters but a dangerous falsehood that jeopardizes the integrity of the Gospel and the spiritual health of the Church. Scripture commands the Church to identify and reject heresy with vigilance:
“A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.” (Titus 3:10-11)
When presbyteries fail to fulfill this command, they fail in their duty as stewards of God’s truth.
Lane Keister’s View: A Clear Departure
Keister’s views are not a matter of secondary disagreement or minor theological nuance—they represent a direct departure from the confessional standards. His teaching undermines the doctrines of providential preservation, the sufficiency of Scripture, and the sovereignty of God. These are not negotiable truths but foundational pillars of the Christian faith. To tolerate such error is to compromise the very authority of God’s Word and the Church’s testimony to it.
Presbyteries should have recognized this as heresy and taken decisive action to protect the flock. Instead, they have allowed Keister to continue preaching and teaching without consequence, emboldening him and leading others astray.
A Mark of Unfitness
This failure reveals that these presbyteries are unfit to judge in matters of doctrine and discipline. Elders are charged with guarding the flock, rebuking those who contradict sound doctrine, and defending the truth (Acts 20:28-30; Titus 1:9). When they fail to exercise this authority, they abdicate their God-given responsibility and expose their unfitness for the office they hold.
The inability to identify Keister’s views as heretical is not merely an oversight—it is a betrayal of the Church’s calling to be a pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15). By their inaction, these presbyteries have allowed error to flourish and have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to handle such matters faithfully.
The Consequences of Negligence
The consequences of this negligence are dire. By failing to confront Keister’s heresy, these presbyteries have:
- Harmed the Flock: Congregations under their care are left vulnerable to false teaching, which corrupts their understanding of Scripture and undermines their faith.
- Compromised the Church’s Witness: The Church’s failure to discipline heresy sends a message to the world that it does not take truth seriously, damaging its credibility.
- Enabled Further Error: Tolerating Keister’s views emboldens others to adopt and propagate similar errors, compounding the damage over time.
A Call for Accountability
The failure of these presbyteries to act decisively against Keister’s heresy demands accountability. Until these presbyteries repent of their negligence and reform their practices, they have no credibility in matters of doctrine and discipline. Their unfitness is evident, and their actions—or lack thereof—have proven that they cannot be trusted to safeguard the truth.
Faithful men within the Church must call these presbyteries to account, insisting that they fulfill their biblical mandate or step aside. The Church cannot afford to allow such failures to persist. The purity of doctrine, the health of the flock, and the glory of God are at stake. To tolerate unfit leaders in these critical matters is to jeopardize the very mission of the Church and betray the Lord who established it.
The Example of Apostolic Boldness
The gravity of this sin becomes even clearer when contrasted with the example of the apostles, who did not hesitate to confront error, even among their own. The Apostle Paul, for instance, publicly rebuked the Apostle Peter—a true preacher of God’s Word—when Peter’s actions contradicted the Gospel. Paul recounts this event in Galatians 2:11-14:
“But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision. And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation. But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?”
Here, Paul rebukes Peter—a pillar of the early Church and a faithful minister of the Word—publicly and to his face. Peter’s error, though serious, was not doctrinal heresy but a failure to live consistently with the truth of the Gospel. Yet Paul saw fit to confront him directly for the sake of preserving the purity of the Church’s teaching and witness.
If Paul was willing to rebuke Peter—a faithful apostle—how much more necessary is it to rebuke those who persist in teaching false doctrine? Lane Keister has preached error for over fifteen years without correction, and this reflects an astounding dereliction of duty on the part of the presbytery and elders. Their silence not only tolerates the error but implicitly endorses it, allowing it to fester and corrupt the Church.
A Failure That Demands Accountability
The presbytery’s refusal to address Keister’s false teaching reveals a deeper issue: a culture of complacency and cowardice. Elders are not called to avoid conflict or preserve superficial peace at the expense of truth. They are called to contend for the faith and to shepherd the flock with vigilance and courage. The toleration of false doctrine over such an extended period is a betrayal of the apostolic example and a direct affront to the Lord of the Church.
This failure to act sends a dangerous message—that the purity of doctrine and the health of the Church are secondary to institutional convenience or personal relationships. Yet the Apostle Paul’s instructions to Timothy are clear:
“Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” (1 Timothy 5:20)
The inaction of the presbytery not only endangers the spiritual health of Keister’s congregation but also sets a precedent for further compromise within the Church. By their negligence, the presbytery has abdicated its responsibility to defend the truth and has undermined the authority of God’s Word.
A Call to Repentance and Action
The time for patience has long passed. The elders and presbytery must repent of their failure and take immediate steps to address this grave situation. Lane Keister must be removed from ministry, and the presbytery must reaffirm its commitment to upholding sound doctrine and protecting Christ’s flock. Anything less is a betrayal of their calling and a dereliction of their duty before God.
The example of Paul rebuking Peter underscores the seriousness of this issue: even a true preacher of the Word is not exempt from correction when his actions or teaching deviate from the truth. How much more, then, should those who persist in false doctrine be rebuked and removed for the sake of the Gospel? The elders’ failure to act is not only a disservice to Keister’s congregation but a direct violation of their charge as shepherds of Christ’s Church.
The purity of doctrine and the authority of Scripture demand decisive action. The presbytery must act now to correct its course, defend the truth, and restore faithfulness to its ministry. The Church’s witness, the health of its members, and the glory of God depend on it.
The Futility of Relying on the Presbytery to Address This Issue
Some have suggested that we should allow the elders of the presbytery to handle this issue. However, this counsel is not only impractical—it is demonstrably worthless. The presbyteries have had over fifteen years to address these matters, and yet they have done nothing of substance. Instead of taking a firm stand for the truth, they have permitted men to continue in ministry while misleading their congregations and preaching what amounts to false doctrine. Their inaction has allowed error to fester and grow, infecting the Church like leaven, to the detriment of Christ’s flock.
This failure to act is not merely an administrative oversight; it is a blight upon those calling for the presbyteries to handle these issues. Their calls for patience and deference ring hollow in light of their unwillingness to uphold the purity of the Church. Such negligence reveals a deeper problem—a lack of resolve to defend the truth and protect the sheep from wolves in sheep’s clothing. These men, by their inaction, have abdicated their responsibility as stewards of God’s household, and the consequences are evident.
The Dangers of Submitting to a Weak Church
The concept of submitting to a church, particularly to its elders and presbytery, sounds noble in theory. Scripture calls for Christians to respect and submit to those in authority within the Church, as they are charged with shepherding the flock and defending the truth (Hebrews 13:17). However, in practice, this ideal has often been twisted into a tool for destruction—not because submission is inherently wrong, but because weak and cowardly elders have failed to fulfill their God-given responsibilities. The result has been the ruin of faithful men and their ministries, not through their own failings, but through the inaction, compromise, and betrayal of those entrusted with guarding the Church.
The Failure of Elders to Fight Against Satan
Elders are called to be watchmen, ready to confront false teaching, defend the flock from wolves, and stand firm against the schemes of Satan. Paul’s exhortation in Acts 20:28-30 is clear:
“Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.”
But many elders today have proven themselves unfit for this task. Rather than taking up the spiritual sword and shield to confront Satan’s attacks, they shrink back in fear, unwilling to risk conflict or sacrifice their comfort. Instead of defending truth and righteousness, they choose the path of least resistance, turning a blind eye to sin and error within their ranks. Their cowardice not only leaves the Church vulnerable but also destroys those who stand for the truth.
The Betrayal of Faithful Men: Chastised for Standing for Truth
The betrayal of faithful men within the Church is not a hypothetical danger—it is a grim reality that has already unfolded. Those who stand for the truth of God’s Word, especially for the confessional view of Scripture, often find themselves chastised by the very elders and leaders who should be their allies. These faithful men, committed to exposing sin and defending sound doctrine, are met not with support but with opposition from leaders more concerned with maintaining institutional peace than biblical fidelity. Submission, rather than being upheld as a biblical ideal, is weaponized against them, silencing their voices and isolating them from the very Church they seek to protect.
This is not merely a pattern of the past; it has happened in our midst. One faithful brother, steadfast in his defense of the confessional view, repeatedly pointed out the sins creeping into the Church—whether it was the normalization of sodomy through the Revoice Movement in the PCA or the harlotry and promotion of adultery by Aimee Byrd in the OPC. His efforts to call these sins what they are were met with relentless chastisement from elders who dismissed his warnings as divisive or uncharitable.
Rather than addressing the substantive issues he raised, these elders turned their critique toward him, branding him as contentious, overly harsh, or even rebellious. Instead of standing with him in defense of truth, they isolated him, discredited his ministry, and allowed sin to persist unchecked. Their focus was not on rooting out error but on silencing the one who dared to expose it.
Faithfulness Meets Betrayal
This brother’s experience reveals the tragic reality of misplaced priorities among many Church leaders. Their unwillingness to confront sin led them to treat the one shining a light on the darkness as the problem. The desire for institutional harmony and the avoidance of conflict took precedence over biblical faithfulness, resulting in the betrayal of a man who was simply doing what Scripture commands:
“Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” (1 Timothy 5:20)
A Failure of Courage
This pattern of behavior among elders reflects a deeper failure of courage. Instead of standing firm against sin and error, they chose to chastise the faithful brother who called it out. This failure not only betrays their responsibility as shepherds but also discourages others from standing for truth, as they see the consequences of such faithfulness. The elders’ actions embolden those propagating sin while isolating those striving to protect the Church.
A Weaponized Submission
The result is clear: when faithful men submit to leaders who lack the courage to confront error, they often find themselves bearing the brunt of the conflict alone. These men, motivated by a deep love for the Church and a commitment to God’s Word, are left vulnerable to the machinations of weak or compromised elders. Their reputations are tarnished, their ministries are dismantled, and their congregations are left without shepherds willing to defend the flock from wolves.
This tragic reality highlights the deep systemic issues within modern Reformed Churches. Rather than defending the truth and protecting their fellow laborers, many elders prioritize the appearance of unity over the actual health of the Church. This misplaced priority emboldens those who propagate error while sacrificing those who stand for righteousness. It is a betrayal of their sacred duty as overseers of God’s household (Titus 1:7-9). And it aligns them with the enemy of our souls: Satan.
A Symptom of Spiritual Cowardice
The root of this betrayal lies in the unwillingness of elders to engage in the spiritual warfare required of their office. It is far easier to suppress dissent, label faithful men as troublemakers, and preserve the appearance of peace than to confront the reality of sin and error within the Church. This is not the behavior of shepherds guarding the flock; it is the behavior of hirelings who flee at the first sign of danger (John 10:12-13). Their inaction and cowardice embolden Satan’s work within the Church, allowing false teachers and sinful practices to take root.
The Cost of Submission to Weak Leaders
The cost of submitting to weak and compromised churches is high. Faithful men are destroyed, their ministries cut short, and their reputations tarnished. Congregations are left vulnerable to false teaching, while the Church’s witness to the world is marred by division and compromise. Worse still, Satan is given a foothold, using the inaction of elders to sow confusion, corruption, and disunity among God’s people.
A Call to Courage
The Church needs elders who will stand firm in their calling, who will not shrink back in fear but will confront sin and error with the boldness of Christ. The Apostle Paul’s words to Timothy must echo in the hearts of every elder:
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
Submission to godly, faithful leadership is a biblical mandate, but submission to weak, cowardly, or compromised leaders is destructive. Until elders take up their God-given role as defenders of the truth and shepherds of the flock, the Church will continue to suffer, and faithful men will continue to be sacrificed on the altar of institutional peace.
The time for cowardice has passed. The time for action is now. Elders must rise to their calling, resist the devil (James 4:7), and stand unwavering in the fight for the purity and integrity of Christ’s Church. Anything less is a betrayal of their sacred office and an affront to the Lord they serve.
A Call to Reflection
This is not an abstract warning; it is a call to reflect on the cost of inaction and cowardice. The destruction of even one faithful man is a tragedy that reverberates through the Church. It weakens her witness, emboldens her enemies, and demoralizes those who remain. To allow this to happen again—to allow another faithful brother to stand alone while the Church’s leaders shirk their duty—is to perpetuate a cycle of compromise that Christ Himself would condemn.
May this serve as a sobering reminder that the Church cannot afford to betray her faithful defenders. Instead, she must rally around them, providing the support, encouragement, and accountability necessary to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3). Anything less is a failure to honor the Lord of the Church and the truth of His Word.
A Blight on the Elders and the Church
Let us not forget the wider context of failure within these Presbyterian bodies. The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) has already compromised on the sin of sodomy through its tolerance of the Revoice Movement. Instead of standing firmly against the normalization of homosexuality within the Church, the PCA has allowed this movement to persist, sowing confusion and division among its members. Similarly, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) has betrayed its calling by defending the harlotry of Aimee Byrd, whose writings undermine biblical gender roles, blur the lines of propriety, and challenge the authority of Scripture. Adding to this list of compromises, the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) has now ordained female deacons, a direct violation of the biblical qualifications for church office as outlined in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. By promoting practices that defy Scripture, the RPCNA has joined its sister denominations in undermining the authority and clarity of God’s Word.
These are not isolated failures but symptoms of a larger crisis—a widespread refusal to confront sin and error within their own ranks. The presbytery system, while ostensibly designed to promote accountability and doctrinal fidelity, has failed to fulfill its purpose. When elders and presbyteries refuse to exercise their God-given authority to discipline those who stray from the truth, they abdicate their responsibility and betray their calling as shepherds of Christ’s Church. This negligence is not merely disappointing—it is sinful, and it has profound consequences for the purity and integrity of the Church.
A Blight on the PCA: Defending Sodomy
The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), once esteemed for its adherence to Reformed theology and biblical fidelity, has become a cautionary example of the devastating consequences of compromise. Through its tolerance and defense of the Revoice Movement, the PCA has betrayed its calling to uphold the authority of Scripture and the moral clarity it demands. The Revoice Movement, which seeks to normalize “gay Christianity,” promotes the idea that individuals can embrace a homosexual identity while claiming faithfulness to Christ. This position contradicts the clear teaching of Scripture, which calls for repentance and transformation, not the celebration of sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).
What Is the Revoice Movement?
Revoice began as a conference designed to “support, encourage, and empower gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other same-sex attracted Christians” while claiming adherence to traditional Christian sexual ethics. However, its language and framework fundamentally undermine the biblical call to holiness and the transformative power of the Gospel. Revoice affirms the notion of a fixed homosexual identity and encourages the Church to adopt a posture of acceptance toward individuals who identify as “gay Christians.” By framing homosexuality as an immutable characteristic rather than a sin to be repented of, Revoice distorts biblical anthropology and the doctrine of sanctification.
The PCA’s Failure to Respond
Rather than decisively rejecting the Revoice Movement and its unbiblical premises, the PCA has largely defended it. Some within the denomination have minimized the dangers posed by Revoice, framing its goals as an attempt to support struggling believers. Others have actively endorsed the movement, portraying it as a necessary response to the cultural moment. These defenses have allowed Revoice to gain a foothold within the denomination, spreading confusion about biblical sexual ethics and diluting the Church’s witness to a watching world.
The PCA General Assembly has repeatedly failed to take decisive action against the movement. Despite motions to address the issues raised by Revoice, the denomination’s responses have been weak and noncommittal, avoiding any meaningful discipline of those who promote its ideology. This failure to act has emboldened advocates of Revoice while demoralizing those within the PCA who seek to uphold biblical truth.
Scripture’s Clear Teaching on Sodomy
The Bible leaves no ambiguity regarding homosexuality. Both the Old and New Testaments categorically identify homosexual behavior as sin. Leviticus 18:22 declares:
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”
The Apostle Paul reiterates this in Romans 1:26-27, describing homosexual acts as unnatural and a result of humanity’s rebellion against God:
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”
The call of the Gospel is not to affirm sin but to confront it with the hope of repentance and renewal. The Gospel proclaims that sinners—including those who struggle with same-sex attraction—can be washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). The Revoice Movement, and the PCA’s failure to reject it, obscures this life-changing truth by normalizing what Scripture condemns.
The Consequences of Compromise
The PCA’s defense of Revoice has profound implications. It confuses the Church’s message about the power of the Gospel to transform lives. It compromises the Church’s moral authority, creating the perception that it is capitulating to cultural pressures rather than standing on the unchanging truth of God’s Word. Most grievously, it allows sin to remain unchallenged within the Church, endangering the spiritual health of its members and dishonoring the name of Christ.
This failure is not merely a lapse in judgment; it is a blight on the denomination. By defending sodomy under the guise of compassion, the PCA has abandoned its biblical mandate to call sinners to repentance and holiness. Its silence and equivocation in the face of such a clear threat to the Church’s integrity demonstrate a lack of resolve to uphold the truth.
A Call to Repentance
The PCA must repent of its tolerance of Revoice and its failure to defend biblical sexual ethics. The denomination’s leaders must act decisively to reject the movement’s unbiblical premises and discipline those who promote it. Anything less is a betrayal of the Gospel and a denial of the Church’s responsibility to be a pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15).
The defense of sodomy, whether explicit or implicit, has no place in the Church of Jesus Christ. The PCA must return to its biblical roots, reaffirm its commitment to the authority of Scripture, and stand unashamedly for the truth, no matter how countercultural it may be. The purity of the Church and the glory of God demand nothing less.
A Blight on the Orthodox Presbyterian Church: Defending Adultery
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) has not only failed to address critical doctrinal and moral issues but has actively defended what can only be described as an affront to biblical ethics. In their defense of Aimee Byrd, they have effectively defended her promotion of adultery. Byrd’s writings, which challenge the biblical roles of men and women and promote a distorted view of relationships between the sexes, have been widely criticized for undermining the sanctity of marriage and the authority of Scripture. Her public statements and teachings have blurred the lines between appropriate and inappropriate relationships, leading to confusion and moral compromise.
By refusing to discipline Byrd or publicly condemn her errors, the OPC has signaled its tolerance for teaching that directly contradicts the biblical command to honor and protect the covenant of marriage. Scripture is unequivocal in its condemnation of adultery (Exodus 20:14; Matthew 5:27-28), and yet the OPC, in defending Byrd, has tacitly affirmed her writings, which normalize attitudes and behaviors that open the door to marital unfaithfulness. This is not merely a failure of oversight—it is a betrayal of the Church’s responsibility to uphold God’s standards for purity and fidelity.
A Blight on the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America: Ordaining Women as Deacons
The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA), once esteemed for its adherence to the Regulative Principle of Worship and biblical fidelity, has now compromised by ordaining women as deacons. This action blatantly disregards the clear teaching of Scripture regarding church office and authority. The Word of God explicitly defines the qualifications for deacons, emphasizing male leadership as a reflection of God’s created order and the roles outlined in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. By ordaining women to this office, the RPCNA undermines the biblical pattern of church governance and promotes a trajectory that leads to further compromise.
This decision is not a trivial matter; it represents a departure from confessional orthodoxy and the standards of biblical ecclesiology. It signals a willingness to capitulate to cultural pressures rather than stand firm on the authority of Scripture. Such actions introduce confusion within the Church, weaken its witness to the world, and set a dangerous precedent for further deviations from biblical principles.
Like the PCA and OPC, the RPCNA’s willingness to tolerate and institutionalize error is symptomatic of a larger crisis—a refusal to confront sin and uphold the full counsel of God. The Church cannot afford to ignore these issues, for they threaten the purity, unity, and faithfulness of Christ’s body. Faithful men within the RPCNA must rise to address this error with urgency and resolve, lest the leaven of compromise continues to spread unchecked.
The Wider Implications of Compromise
The defense of Aimee Byrd and her promotion of adulterous attitudes is emblematic of a broader crisis within the OPC. This willingness to tolerate and even defend what Scripture explicitly condemns reflects a lack of resolve to confront sin and error, even when it is plainly evident. The failure to address such serious issues compromises the Church’s witness and undermines its credibility. How can the OPC claim to stand for biblical truth when it defends those who openly challenge it?
This is not merely an internal matter for the OPC; it is a warning to all churches and Christians. When doctrinal and moral compromise is tolerated, it spreads like leaven, corrupting the entire body (1 Corinthians 5:6). The defense of Byrd and her promotion of adultery is not an isolated failure but a symptom of a deeper problem—a Church that has lost its commitment to biblical authority and moral clarity.
A Call for Accountability
The Church cannot afford to ignore such egregious compromises. As Paul exhorted the Corinthians:
“Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened.” (1 Corinthians 5:6-7)
The OPC, like all churches, must take this exhortation seriously. The defense of Aimee Byrd and her promotion of adultery is a blight on the denomination, and it calls for immediate and decisive action. If the elders and presbyteries will not address these issues, they abdicate their responsibility as stewards of Christ’s Church and expose the flock to further harm.
The purity of the Church and the faithfulness of its witness depend on its willingness to confront sin and error, no matter how uncomfortable or controversial. The OPC’s failure in this matter serves as a sobering reminder of the consequences of compromise and the urgent need for faithful men to stand firm for the truth. Let us pray that the Church will recover its resolve, purge out the leaven of compromise, and once again stand boldly for the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Addressing My Own Side: A Necessary Challenge
From the outset of this series, I anticipated that some within my own theological tradition would find my positions and the language I employ both unsettling and offensive. However, the weight of truth compels me to speak plainly. I will not soften or dilute the substance of this argument merely to placate sensitivities or avoid discomfort. The issue at hand—the integrity of the biblical text—is not a peripheral concern or a trivial matter for scholarly debate; it is a theological fulcrum upon which the authority of Scripture and the sovereignty of God pivot. To reject the confessional view of Scripture is to reject both the doctrine of providential preservation and the sufficiency of God’s Word. Such a rejection cannot be dismissed as mere error or misunderstanding; it is heresy.
The term heresy is strong and, for some, deeply offensive. Yet it is the precise term demanded by the magnitude of this error. To deny the confessional view is to assert, either implicitly or explicitly, that God has failed to keep His promises to preserve His Word; it undermines His sovereignty and leaves the Church without the pure fountain of Scripture for generations. These implications are not theoretical but strike at the very character of God, the reliability of His Word, and the confidence of His people in the faith. Heresy, whether the word is palatable or not, must be named as such and addressed accordingly.
Error, Not Truth, Causes Division
It is often claimed that standing firmly for truth inevitably causes division within the Church, as though division were the natural consequence of clarity and conviction. But this premise is fundamentally flawed. Division does not originate from truth; it originates from error. Truth brings unity by aligning the Church with the Word of God and the sovereignty of His will. It is error—whether doctrinal, moral, or institutional—that fractures the Church and undermines its witness. To confront error is not to sow division but to heal the divisions that error has already caused. The Apostle Paul makes this clear in 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, where he calls the Church to unity by aligning itself with Christ, not the factions that human error had introduced. Faithfulness to the truth does not divide the Church; rather, it exposes and addresses the divisions that sin and compromise have already created.
A Call to Those on the Confessional Side
To those men who stand on the confessional side, who affirm the doctrines of inspiration, infallibility, and providential preservation, I would say this: the stakes in this battle require courage, conviction, and clarity. It is not enough to passively affirm these truths while avoiding the hard realities and challenges that come with defending them. We must be willing to speak boldly, even when it offends or divides. The Lord Himself speaks to us in Job 38:3:
“Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.”
This is not a time for timidity or retreat. The sovereignty of God, the sufficiency of Scripture, and the faith of Christ’s Church are under attack. To those who would shy away from the controversy or avoid calling out error for what it is, I would urge you to remember that this battle is not ours but the Lord’s. He calls us to stand firm, to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3), and to confront error wherever it arises, whether outside or within our own circles.
The cost of faithfulness is always high, but the cost of compromise is infinitely higher. Let us take up the charge, gird our loins, and answer the call to defend God’s Word with unwavering conviction and boldness. For the sake of the Church, the Gospel, and the glory of God, we cannot afford to do otherwise.
Gird Up Your Loins or Step Aside
The battle before us is not for the faint of heart. It is a spiritual war over the authority of God’s Word, the purity of His Church, and the souls entrusted to our care. There is no room in this conflict for passive observers or those who shy away from confrontation under the guise of civility or institutional peace. The time for indecision has passed. The lines are drawn, and each of us must choose whether we will stand and fight or step aside and let others carry the burden of faithfulness.
Scripture is unambiguous in its call to action. The Lord’s charge to Job resonates powerfully in our current moment:
“Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.” (Job 38:3)
This is a call to courage, conviction, and action. To gird up one’s loins is to prepare for battle, to cast off distractions and hesitations, and to face the task before us with resolve. The fight for doctrinal fidelity and the defense of Christ’s Church demand this level of readiness. Anything less is to abandon the field and leave the flock vulnerable to wolves.
No Room for Indifference
Indifference is not neutrality—it is complicity. To refuse to engage in this battle is to side with error by default. Those who remain silent in the face of false doctrine, moral compromise, and ecclesiastical corruption are no less culpable than those who actively propagate such evils. The words of James are clear:
“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)
We must understand that the stakes are not merely theoretical. The souls of men and women are at risk, and the witness of the Church is at stake. To refuse to act is to fail not only the Church but the Lord Himself, who calls us to defend His truth and care for His sheep.
Step Aside if You Will Not Fight
For those who cannot or will not gird up their loins for this battle, I offer this plea: step aside. Do not hinder the work of those who are willing to stand in the gap. Do not distract with pleas for civility or warnings against “divisiveness” when the purity of the Gospel is at stake. Do not burden the faithful with criticisms of their zeal when your own silence has allowed error to flourish.
The Church cannot afford to carry dead weight in this hour of need. If you are unwilling to fight for the truth, then remove yourself from the battle so that those who are ready to contend for the faith may do so unimpeded. The stakes are too high, and the cost of compromise is too great to tolerate half-measures or hesitation.
A Call to Arms
To those who are willing to stand, I urge you: prepare yourself for the fight ahead. Gird up your loins with the truth of God’s Word (Ephesians 6:14), strengthen your resolve with prayer and faith, and take your place in this battle for the glory of God and the good of His Church. The Lord Himself has called you to this task, and He will equip you for the work.
To those who cannot or will not engage, step aside and allow others to carry the torch. The Church is at war, and there is no room for indecision. You are either in the fight or out of the way. There is no middle ground. Choose this day whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15), and act accordingly.
A Call to Action: Rebuking Sin and Defending Truth
In light of this widespread failure, it is evident that waiting for the presbyteries to act is no solution. The responsibility now falls to faithful men within the Church to stand in the gap, armed with the Word of God and the courage to proclaim it without compromise. As the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy:
“Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” (1 Timothy 5:20)
The time for patience has passed. The time for action is now. If the presbyteries and their elders will not defend the truth, then others must take up the mantle of faithfulness. To tolerate sin, error, or compromise is to betray the Gospel, dishonor the Lord, and endanger the souls of His people.
Let us remember that Scripture warns us of the dangers of compromise:
“Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened.” (1 Corinthians 5:6-7)
The defense of Aimee Byrd, female deacons, and the Revoice Movement are blights on their respective denominations, and they call for immediate and decisive action. If these issues are not addressed, they will continue to corrupt the Church and harm the faith of its members. The purity of the Church and the faithfulness of its witness depend on the willingness of its leaders to confront sin and error, no matter how uncomfortable or controversial it may be.
Let us resolve to stand firm, contend earnestly for the faith, and refuse to remain silent in the face of false doctrine and moral corruption. The sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, and the purity of Christ’s Church demand nothing less. It is time to gird up our loins and meet this challenge with the courage and conviction it deserves.
Let the Church and Elders Handle It
A frequent refrain from those seeking to avoid confrontation is that these issues should be left to the Church and the elders to address. “Let the Church handle it,” they say, as if such a deferral absolves them of responsibility to speak out against error. While this sentiment might sound pious or orderly on the surface, recent history demonstrates how profoundly misplaced such trust can be. When those charged with defending the purity of the Church fail in their duties, the damage inflicted is not only institutional but spiritual and eternal.
Consider the actions of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) regarding the harlotry and promotion of adultery by Aimee Byrd. Byrd’s writings openly undermined biblical gender roles, blurred the lines of propriety in relationships between men and women, and promoted ideas that normalized adultery within the Church. Instead of addressing these egregious errors, what did the elders and presbytery of the OPC do? They turned their fire, not on the source of the problem, but on an elder who stood courageously against it. They attacked one of their own for speaking out, destroying his reputation and ministry while allowing Byrd’s influence to persist unchecked.
This episode illustrates a sobering reality: the Church and its elders, as currently constituted, have repeatedly demonstrated that they are unfit to handle such issues. Far from acting as stewards of God’s household, many elders have chosen to protect their own institutional peace, reputation, or comfort rather than confront sin and error within their ranks. They have betrayed their sacred calling by tolerating wickedness and punishing those who dare to stand against it.
A Failure of Stewardship
The actions of the OPC in the Byrd controversy are not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of failure across many Reformed and Presbyterian bodies. Elders are charged with guarding the flock and confronting error (Acts 20:28-30), yet too often they shirk this responsibility in favor of maintaining appearances or avoiding conflict. In the case of Byrd, rather than rebuking her for promoting teachings that undermine marriage and biblical authority, the elders allowed her to remain influential while attacking those who called her to account. This is not stewardship—it is cowardice.
Evidence of Unfitness
When men tasked with defending the Church attack the faithful while allowing sin to flourish, they reveal their unfitness for the office they hold. The Apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 that elders must be above reproach, able to teach sound doctrine, and courageous in guarding the Church against error. Yet the actions of many presbyteries in recent years demonstrate a profound abdication of these responsibilities. Their failures are not merely disappointing—they are evidence that the current system of governance, in many places, is broken and incapable of fulfilling its biblical mandate.
What Trust Is Left?
To those who insist we must defer to the Church and the elders to handle these issues, I ask: What trust can remain when the Church has consistently failed to address even the most blatant sins and doctrinal errors? When elders defend harlotry and promote adultery under the guise of tolerance, while silencing those who stand for truth, they forfeit their claim to authority. Trust must be earned, and in the case of many modern presbyteries, that trust has been squandered through years of negligence, compromise, and outright betrayal of their calling.
A Call to Accountability
The Church cannot continue to defer to elders and presbyteries that have proven themselves unwilling or unable to confront sin. Faithful men within the Church must rise up to call these leaders to account, demand repentance, and insist upon reform. Until that happens, to suggest that these same men be entrusted to handle such issues is to perpetuate the very failures that have brought the Church to its current state of disarray.
The time for waiting is over. If the Church and its elders are to regain the trust and confidence of the faithful, they must demonstrate a renewed commitment to biblical truth, moral courage, and the protection of Christ’s flock. Anything less is a betrayal of their office and a disservice to the Lord they claim to serve. Let us no longer accept empty assurances of, “Let the elders handle it,” when those same elders have proven time and again that they are either unwilling or unfit to do so.
Conclusion: Engage or Get Out of the Way
In the end, the choice before us is clear: either engage in the battle for the authority of God’s Word and the purity of His Church, or step aside. The time for hesitation, excuses, or appeals to civility at the expense of truth has passed. This is not a fight we can afford to ignore, defer, or delegate to others. The stakes are eternal, and the consequences of inaction are devastating for the Church and her witness.
To those who are willing to stand, I say this: gird up your loins, take up the sword of the Spirit, and contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. To those elders who would rather avoid the conflict, whether out of fear, indifference, or misplaced priorities, I say as Christ said to Peter:
“Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.” (Matthew 16:23)
There is no neutral ground in this battle. To refuse to engage is to side with error and to stand in the way of those who seek to uphold the truth. The Church needs faithful men who will confront false doctrine, protect the flock, and fight for the glory of God. Anything less is a betrayal of our calling and a denial of the Lord who bought us.
The choice is yours: engage in the battle or step aside. There is no room for passivity or compromise. The purity of the Church, the authority of Scripture, and the honor of Christ demand nothing less.
Addendum: Addressing Misplaced Concerns
To those men who have been quick to criticize this series or the positions I have taken, I offer this simple reminder: until you have addressed the glaring issues within your own presbyteries, you have no business concerning yourselves with a mote like me. Scripture warns us explicitly about this kind of hypocrisy:
“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?” (Matthew 7:3-4)
For over fifteen years, your presbyteries have tolerated grievous errors, allowed men to preach false doctrine, and failed to discipline those promoting theological and moral compromise. You have defended movements like Revoice, which normalize sodomy, and individuals like Aimee Byrd, who promote attitudes that undermine marriage and blur the lines of propriety. These are not small errors or momentary lapses in judgment—they are beams obstructing the clarity of your vision and undermining the integrity of the Church.
If these issues remain unaddressed, your criticisms of others ring hollow. The purity of the Church and the authority of Scripture demand that you turn your attention to the substantial failings in your own ranks. Deal with these beams first. Only then can you begin to concern yourselves with the motes you perceive in others. Until that time, your misplaced concerns do nothing but reveal a lack of seriousness about the truth and an unwillingness to confront the rot within your own walls.
This is not said to dismiss legitimate concerns but to call for consistency and integrity. If you truly care for the purity of Christ’s Church, begin where the problems are most pressing—in your own presbyteries and congregations. Let this be the moment when you finally take a stand for the sovereignty of God, the sufficiency of Scripture, and the glory of His Church. Only then can you rightly and effectively call others to account. Until such a time as that, any other comments or concerns you have will be ignored. You men have a lot of issues to deal with, so I don’t expect to hear further from you for the foreseeable future.