How to Get the Most out of this Site

If you’re new to the textual issue surrounding the Greek New Testament, then you have probably faced information overload.  This page is to help someone new to this issue or someone new to the Confessional Textual View get up to speed as quickly as possible.  For that, I’ve organized the material from this site in the following manner:

Introductory Material:


  1. Welcome to the Revolution
  2. Are You a KJVO?
  3. Providentially Preserved?
  4. The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism
  5. The Greek Text of Westcott & Hort
  6. The Doctrinal Various Readings of the New Testament Greek
  7. Well What’s Your Methodology?
  8. Presuppositions of Textual Criticism Examined
  9. Textus Receptus – Default Text or Chosen Text?
  10. The Logic of Faith


While the above post, Welcome to the Revolution, links to the books necessary to understand both sides of the subject.  Below I will list a limited set for those who want just the information in support of the Confessional Textual View.  They should be read in the order given for maximum effect.

  1. Disputations on Holy Scripture
  2. Post Reformation Reformed Dogmatics Vol 2: Holy Scripture
  3. Has the Bible Been Kept Pure?
  4. The King James Version Defended

Books 1 & 4 are here at the site.  Books 3 & 4 are available through Amazon.


  1. Dr. Riddle’s Preservation of Scripture series

After you have finished the introductory material I would recommend the following:

  1. The Erasmian Myths
  2. Dr. Riddle vs Mr. White series
  3. Trinitarian Bible Resources
  4. Exposition of WCF Chapter 1 Parts 1 & 2
  5. At this point I recommend reading the rest of the books in the Welcome to the Revolution post mentioned above.

There is of course much more info here at the site.  Under Resources you will find more audios dealing with Dr. Jeffrey Riddle’s interactions with various issues.  Under the Library tab you will find a host of books, the majority of which are free, that cover the textual issue from both the Confessional view and the Critical Text view.  The blog posts cover a variety of subjects dealing with textual criticism, Providential Preservation, historical falsehoods, etc.  The search function is in the menu tab.  Other issues may have been discussed in the Facebook group.  The link for it is also in the menu tab.