Doctrine of Scripture
This begins a series of 21 blog posts taken from the PDF 21 Questions of the Doctrine of Scripture by Francis Turretin. Other series will include the works of John Owen, John Gill, R.L. Dabney, Edward Leigh, etc. Hopefully breaking out such writings in single posts will make them easier to find for reference and study. This post will serve as the index post for the 21 following posts. Each post will be in the same Categories: Doctrine of Scripture, Francis Turretin, Turretin’s 21 Questions. Post will have Tags based upon the subject of each question and will also include the title of the post..
- The Necessity of Verbal Revelation
- The Necessity of Scripture
- The Divine Imperative of Written Revelation
- The Authority of Scripture
- Apparent Contradictions in Scripture
- The Knowledge of Scriptural Authority
- The Preservation of the Canon
- The Canonicity of the Old Testament
- The Canonicity of the Apocrypha
- The Purity of the Original Text
- The Authentic Version of Scripture
- The Authenticity of the Hebrew Text
- The Need of Translations
- The Authenticity of the Septuagint
- The Authenticity of the Vulgate
- The Perfection of Scripture
- The Perspicuity of Scripture
- The Reading of Scripture
- The Meaning of Scripture
- The Supreme Judge of Controversies and the Interpreter of Scripture
- The Authority of the Fathers