The Comma Johanneum
On this page you will find posts, websites, books, and other resources defending the authenticity of 1 John 5:7.
1 John 5:7 Vindicated Serm1.Pt1
SERMON I. 1 JOHN. V. 7. For there are Three that bear Record in Heaven, the FATHER, the WORD, and the Holy Ghost; and these Three are One. 171 KNOW not a Passage
The Genuineness of 1 John 5.7 by David Martin 2.7
CHAP. VII. Of the Manuscript of Berlin. 'Tis here no longer that same Mr. Emlyn, who has been silent with regard to the Manuscripts mention'd in the Preface to the Louvain doctors, and that which F.
The Genuineness of 1 John 5.7 by David Martin 2.6
CHAP. VI. A Defence of the Manuscripts of Robert Stephens against certain Manuscripts produced from the Library of the King of France, which are pretended to be the same that Stephens used in his Editions.
The Genuineness of 1 John 5.7 by David Martin 2.5
CHAP. V. Of the obelus plac'd in the middle of the 7th Verse, There are three in heaven, &c. of the Manuscripts mention'd by the Divines of Louvain, and of that which F. Amelotte says
The Genuineness of 1 John 5.7 by David Martin 2.4
Of Robert Stephen's Manuscripts WE have seen in the foregoing Chapter the extreme perplexity in which Mr. Simon arid Mr. Emlyn are found with reference to the Manuscripts of Complutum and Erasmus; they could not
David Martin, in favor of the Comma Johanneum & the Unitarian Thomas Emlyn Against it
All of the Books dealing with 1 John 5:7